
Treatment from viruses

A computer virus is a malicious type of software that creates copies of itself and penetrates the code of other programs, and even distributes these copies through various communication channels, with the aim of disrupting the operation of software and hardware complexes. The virus program deletes or makes the structure of data placement look unusable, blocks the user’s work, destroys the computer’s normal operation.

The main types of computer viruses known today: A computer worm is a program that “self-replicates”, as a result, a large number of files are created on the computer, due to which it begins to “slow down”.

Trojan program. It is also called a Trojan horse or simply a Trojan. It has the property of being disguised among other programs, it does not affect the operation of the computer in any way until the user runs the program to which the Trojan is disguised. The main purpose of Trojans is to steal, change or delete certain data. Spyware. The name speaks for itself, these programs collect important information about the actions of the user of the infected PC, download addresses, passwords. The bottom line is that your PC becomes under the control not only of you, but also of the attacker, as a result of which the PC can be used by a third party to send spam, mass attack other sites, etc.

Blocker programs (banners) accordingly block the user’s access to the operating system. When starting the computer, a dialog box with the text is displayed, as if the user is downloading unlicensed content, infringing someone’s copyright, etc. After that, the program persistently asks to send a paid SMS to a certain number or simply send money. When the user sends money, the banner still does not disappear, and the need to contact an IT specialist does not disappear. However, if there are those who invented virus programs, then there are also those who are able to “cure” them.

The specialists of our company will take responsibility for the fight against malicious files that have mistakenly entered your computer. We will find and destroy viruses of any complexity, restore infected files, install a high-quality antivirus to avoid re-infection. We will also provide absolutely free advice on how to protect your PC from a virus, in general, we will tell you what the main virus programs look like, what are the signs that indicate that the computer may be infected and the immediate involvement of a professional is required.


Upgrade – the process of modernizing a PC with the replacement or addition of new elements, expansion of functions and capabilities. The upgrade should be in two situations: a problem with the operating system you are using at the moment or a desire to switch to another, newer and more convenient one. We recommend replacing the OS several times a year and cleaning the PC along with it. These simple actions will significantly increase the duration, quality and reliability of your computer’s service. More details about computer cleaning, the reasons and stages of its implementation are described in the article. Upgrading your laptop is a smart decision if you want to keep up with the times, while saving money and not regularly visiting stores in search of expensive technical innovations.

Our capabilities:

• Software updates Modernization of software, installation of the appropriate operating system according to your individual requirements and needs.

• Increasing the RAM A great opportunity to increase the level of comfort when working with voluminous, capacious programs or several programs at the same time. Probably, everyone has faced the fact that it is necessary to open many tabs in the Internet browser at once, and the computer starts to slow down at the same time. The problem is solved by increasing the RAM.

• Hard disk replacement Hard disk operation without failures is generally limited to 3 years, as long as manufacturers usually give a guarantee. Also, replacing the hard disk with a powerful one increases the data transfer speed, which means the speed of the computer in general. As a result, you save precious time wasted earlier on tiresome waiting. • Replacement of the laptop’s optical drive Options: replacement of the DVD drive with Blue-Ray or CD/DVD with a DVD with a recording function. This is both a convenience and a forced measure, since drives also have their service life of about 1 year, after which prevention is necessary, and if you use the drive regularly, then after 2-3 years you may encounter failures that can be avoided by replacing them a similar modern reason.

• Battery replacement The reason is the same service life. Any battery is designed for a certain amount of discharge and charge, after which the duration of the laptop begins to slowly decrease. There are only two ways out: buying a new battery, which of course will affect your budget to one degree or another, or contact us for battery repair/replacement of certain parts in it.

• Replacing a laptop display Replacing a laptop display is usually related to its mechanical damage and rarely refers to a type of modernization, however, it happens when customers have special requirements for the brightness or color rendering of the matrix, in which case the wish can be realized.

• Overclocking and replacement of the laptop processor

Summarizing all the above, it becomes clear that some upgrades are advised to be carried out regularly, some at will, but in any case, everything depends on your personal needs and goals, our job is only to help you with this!

Data recovery

Today, almost everyone has electronic documents, photos, video files and other information that we store on electronic media. These carriers have a tendency to fail at the most inopportune time, although the time of any failure is never right, but the essence does not change.

Accidentally or intentionally, knowingly or not, but the fact is that you deleted important data, formatted the flash drive, memory card, disk. Do you need to restore information as soon as possible and inexpensively?

We can offer you our services if: – data has disappeared due to a faulty HDD control board, – service information is damaged on the hard disk; – the hermoblock of the hard disk is damaged); – data must be restored from raid arrays of any type; with SSD drives; from optical discs of any type; video recorders; flash drives (Flash drives); from cameras and camera memory cards; – information lost due to formatting; – Due to a virus attack; – Deleted by you personally by mistake.

Matrix replacement in a laptop

The matrix, or simply put, the laptop screen, is undoubtedly an extremely important part of any laptop, one can even say one of the most important, because if the USB port or keyboard breaks, the laptop can work successfully, although the functions will be somewhat limited. In the case of a damaged screen, work literally stops, the situation can only be saved by connecting an external monitor, which is not very convenient in any case.

Despite all this, the notebook matrix is ​​a very fragile part of it, which often suffers from damage due to careless use. Theoretically, the screen can be repaired, however, as practice shows, in most cases it will be more rational to replace the screen, which our company can easily handle.

The main signal “beacons” that indicate that the laptop matrix needs to be replaced:

• White image
Most often, the cause is a malfunction of the loop or inverter, malfunctions of the motherboard, a burned-out backlight lamp. In this case, there is a chance to avoid replacing the matrix.

• Stripes on the screen
Horizontal and vertical lines are a sign of broken contact of the decoder. Under such conditions, repair is still possible, but the cost may be equal to a new matrix, which makes it advisable to replace it.

• Mechanical damage
The most common problem with laptop matrices. The fact is that, as already noted earlier, the notebook matrix is ​​very fragile and easily susceptible to mechanical damage, especially with careless use, rough operation. Any obstacle to closing the cover, accidental fall on hard objects, impact – all these things lead to chips, dents, cracks and other problems.

However, today all such breakdowns are not scary at all if you contact us for help in repairing your computer. Qualified specialists will do everything in the shortest possible time and with the highest quality. Our company will replace screen matrices of all well-known brands: Acer, Sony VAIO, ASUS, Toshiba, Dell, IBM/Lenovo, Apple (Macbook Pro/Air), HP, Compaq, Fujitsu Siemens, Samsung, BENQ, LG, Roverbook, IRU, Gateway, Bliss and others. In terms of time, replacing the matrix takes about an hour, except when the monitor matrix is ​​very rare, which is why it is necessary to order it directly from the supplier.

Types of sites

Stvorennya saytiv – same z tsiyeyi posluhy pochynayetʹsya protses rozvytku vashoho biznesu v Interneti. Sʹohodni vazhko uyavyty, shcho uspishnyy biznes mozhlyvyy bez svoho saytu. Same tomu nasha kompaniya vykorystovuye deviz, shcho vidobrazhaye realiyi: Zalezhno vid Vashykh vymoh ta mozhlyvostey, my proponuyemo taki typy veb-saytiv: Landing Page – tse odnostorinkovyy sayt, yakyy idealʹno pidkhodytʹ, shchob donesty chitko poznachenu dumku do audytoriyi. Na vidminu vid povnotsinnoho saytu, de bahato inshykh rozdiliv (pro kompaniyi, produktovi storinky, kontakty, koshyk i t. d.), lendynh utrymuye uvahu vidviduvachiv suvoro na odnomu povidomlenni i povynen vyklykaty bazhannya vykonaty pevnu tsilʹovu diyu. Yak pravylo, lendynh vykorystovuyetʹsya dlya zbyrannya kontaktnykh danykh potentsiynykh kliyentiv (vony zh – “lidy”), reyestratsiyi, perekhodu na storinku tovariv abo na holovnyy sayt. Sayt-vizytka — tse nevelykyy sayt, yakyy zazvychay skladayetʹsya z odniyeyi (abo dekilʹkokh) storinok i mistytʹ osnovnu informatsiyu pro orhanizatsiyu, pryvatnu osobu, kompaniyu, tovary abo posluhy, preyskuranty, kontaktni dani. Meta stvorennya saytu-vizytky – tse nadannya pevnoyi informatsiyi dlya tsilʹovoyi audytoriyi. Na sayti-vizyttsi zavzhdy ye vsya neobkhidna informatsiya: kontakty, korotkyy spysok tovariv ta posluh – vse tse mozhe buty prysutnim na sayti. U sayti-vizyttsi holovne – yoho konkretyka. Koly lyudyna potraplyaye na podibnyy resurs, vona maye vidrazu zrozumity, yaki posluhy nadaye kompaniya, shcho prodaye chym zaymayetʹsya. Internet-mahazyn – tse sayt, yakyy torhuye tovaramy. U tsʹomu prodazh tovariv zdiysnyuyetʹsya dystantsiynym sposobom. Internet-mahazyn ne vymahaye velykykh kapitalovkladenʹ, pry tsʹomu prybutok mozhe prynosyty duzhe velykyy. Korporatyvnyy sayt – tse sayt kompaniyi, yiyi ofitsiyne virtualʹne predstavnytstvo v interneti. Korporatyvnyy sayt mistytʹ povnyy obsyah informatsiyi pro samu kompaniyu, pro sferu yiyi diyalʹnosti, proponovanu produktsiyu ta posluhy. Chasto na korporatyvnomu sayti rozmishchuyutʹ kataloh produktsiyi ta dodatkovi servisy – forum, opytuvannya, rozsylky toshcho. Korporatyvnyy sayt dozvolyaye vydavaty onlayn rozrakhunky vartosti, provodyty prodazh produktsiyi, provodyty marketynhovi doslidzhennya ta reklamni aktsiyi, rozsylaty vidviduvacham novyny, zbyraty vidhuky kliyentiv, vlashtovuvaty holosuvannya ta bahato inshoho. U suchasnomu sviti nayavnistʹ korporatyvnoho saytu ye nevid’yemnoyu dlya budʹ-yakoyi seryoznoyi kompaniyi. Adzhe sayt takoho typu – duzhe efektyvnyy zasib dlya nadannya v interneti informatsiyi pro orhanizatsiyu.
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Creation of sites – this service is where the process of developing your business on the Internet begins. Today, it is hard to imagine that a successful business is possible without a website. That is why our company uses a motto that reflects reality: “No website – no business!”.

Depending on your requirements and capabilities, we offer the following types of websites:

A Landing Page is a one-page site that is perfect for getting a well-marked point across to your audience. Unlike a full-fledged site, where there are many other sections (about companies, product pages, contacts, shopping cart, etc.), a landing page keeps visitors’ attention strictly on one message and should cause a desire to perform a certain targeted action. As a rule, the landing page is used to collect contact data of potential customers (they are “leads”), register, go to the product page or the main site.

Business card site is a small site that usually consists of one (or several) pages and contains basic information about an organization, a private person, a company, goods or services, price lists, contact information.
The purpose of creating a business card site is to provide certain information for the target audience. The business card site always has all the necessary information: contacts, a short list of goods and services – all this can be present on the site. The most important thing in a business card website is its specifics. When a person gets to such a resource, he should immediately understand what services are provided by the company that sells what it does.

Online store is a site that sells goods. In this case, the sale of goods is carried out remotely.
An online store does not require large capital investments, while the profit can be very large.

Corporate site is the company’s website, its official virtual representation on the Internet. The corporate site contains a full volume of information about the company itself, about its field of activity, offered products and services. Often, a product catalog and additional services are placed on the corporate website – a forum, polls, newsletters, etc.
A corporate site allows you to issue online cost calculations, sell products, conduct marketing research and promotions, send news to visitors, collect customer reviews, arrange voting and much more.
In today’s world, the presence of a corporate website is indispensable for any serious company. After all, a site of this type is a very effective tool for providing information about the organization on the Internet.

Website support

Site support is not only technical support of a web resource, it is also filling pages with texts, graphics, creating unique articles, replenishing products with online store cards and much more.

For the good functioning of the web resource, the technical support of the site is of great importance. A competent organization of Internet resource support defines such criteria as:
• correctness of work
• providing information to visitors
• processing speed
• ease of use of the site
• functionality of the site

Technical support of the site
• Domain name and hosting monitoring, site transfer to new hosting;
• Backup files and database;
• Prompt elimination of technical errors;
• Refinement of the current functionality of the site and development of a new one;
• Integration of the site with third-party services and systems;
• Transfer of the site;
• Updating information on the website;
• Diagnosis and treatment of viruses;
• Speeding up the website.


Working with content
It is not enough just to fill the pages with pictures and text so that the site looks presentable. Good knowledge of CSS and HTML is often required to use certain techniques for designing the resource. And here, too, the sense of style, which the developer must have, should not fail. This is an important criterion when maintaining websites, because only an experienced person will be able to implement a high-quality project. Such nuances as abuse of headlines, too bright color scheme, as well as a large number of words highlighted in bold may be the reason to lower the site’s rating. This is due to the fact that there are certain requirements for the correct design of search pages.

Finishing websites
We offer you to use the website revision service. We will provide you with comprehensive site support, thanks to which you can fix various software errors. The team of our studio can cope with difficulties of any level. In order for the site to generate income and be more interesting, our developers carry out high-quality refinement of software modules to expand the functionality of the site. We will fill the site with original content that can attract even more visitors and increase the ranking in search engines.

Our specialists will be able to solve all the above-mentioned tasks, and will provide excellent technical support for your website in the specified time.

Video surveillance is your security

In the hustle and bustle of the modern world, in the constant hustle and bustle, it is increasingly possible to feel a catastrophic lack of at least a couple of extra hours a day. It is not uncommon to want to combine two or more things in one period of time, to be in two places at the same time, to see more, to have more time. It would seem that an unreal task became possible with the faithful helpers of video surveillance systems.

Now, being at home or at work, it is not difficult for you to find out what is currently happening in your country or in any other place where your video surveillance cameras are installed. Now you can minimize the fear for the safety of your home and business. Cameras function almost on a par with the human eye, having a wide field of view, and are also able to “see” in the dark and in too bright light. A CCTV camera can be not only a protection against intruders, but also a useful household item for monitoring children and household staff. Video surveillance at the workplace will help solve and prevent numerous conflict situations, increase discipline.

Ordering the installation of video surveillance from us, you get peace of mind at an affordable price.

Renting servers

Today, many companies, not wanting to take on the costs of purchasing and maintaining physical servers, choose virtual platforms. Using the services of a hosting provider, you can create a high-quality Internet portal. And at the same time, the provider’s team will provide technical support. In modern Ukrainian data centers, reliable data storage systems are used, high levels of uninterrupted operation are achieved due to the duplication of engineering infrastructure components, and guaranteed backup copies are implemented. However, sometimes clients resort to the services of foreign data centers. Why?

Foreign data center: pros and cons

As a rule, the IT infrastructure of foreign data centers is advanced equipment of the latest generation, quality standards in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 27001, a high level of security and data storage control, SLA (Service Level Agreement) – standard (99.5% availability) and individual (Up to 99.995%). To ensure data security, they use the latest IT solutions, firewalls, communication channel encryption technologies. Data center power supply is also implemented with a high level of reliability – up to TIER IV (everything is duplicated).

What else can a foreign data center be interesting for Ukrainian customers? Companies that provide hosting abroad usually have very flexible pricing plans. They aim to provide the client with a full package of services for the same money as the basic option. The high quality of service, greater experience of employees, and high speed of response to the occurrence of problems compels us to consider such a service as foreign hosting of clients. Any malfunction will be eliminated as quickly as possible.

European data centers have people who have been engaged in hosting services for many years, so they know how to prevent some problems from occurring, how to eliminate problems in the shortest possible time.

For many domestic companies, an additional platform abroad is also business protection. Seizure of data center equipment, illegal blocking, long-term outages – in Ukraine, all these must be taken into account as risk factors when placing or renting physical or virtual servers.

In addition, there is a growing need for companies to make online transactions more secure from government surveillance and cybercriminals. Therefore, those who need a server with data protection against unauthorized access and a guarantee of reliable operation often consider the option of renting a server abroad. After all, the financial stability of European data center operators is another risk-reducing factor.

Foreign data centers are also stability. It refers to both a favorable political and economic situation abroad, as well as the smooth operation of the data center. Clients of such hostings can be calm about the future of their web projects.

Meanwhile, data center employees may not have access to your data at all thanks to encryption. Data abroad will be fully protected.

Reserve site

Often, a company’s IT strategy requires the presence of at least two data centers – a primary and a backup. And this is not accidental. After all, the loss of information or control over it at best guarantees large losses, at worst it is a complete loss of business. Therefore, the deployment of a primary and backup data center for a serious company today is strategically necessary and justified. It is clear that it is not cheap, but there is another solution – hosting.

Backup data center allows you to eliminate downtime and ensure the possibility of immediate recovery of server systems in case of failure and serious accident.

Using a hosting service provider’s foreign site as a backup data center is a minimization of both risks and costs. Maximum safety and reliability is achieved with this scheme of work. From the point of view of the competent construction of the uninterrupted operation of the sites, this is the right decision.

According to statistics, most of the projects of using foreign data centers are considered by Ukrainian companies precisely from the point of view of creating two separate platforms and systems that minimize risks. Thus, using the services of the main and/or backup data center in Europe is not only protection against raiding and administrative pressure, but also diversification of risks, creation of a highly reliable distributed IT infrastructure.